(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/4/1 浏览:2)
专业高清录屏软件Bandicam现已更新至v3.3.0.1175,3.0增加了摄像头、Xbox One/PS4、智能手机、IPTV、视频捕捉卡等外设屏幕录制功能。Bandicam现已支持DX12游戏录制及全新HEVC H.265视频编码。
Bandicam,游戏录制神器,视频录制利器,高清频录制专家,号称世界三大视频录制神器之一!Bandicam是一款由韩国开发的高清游戏及视频录制的电脑工具。它录制的视频文件不仅体积小,而且画质相当清晰,支持H.264预制高清,以较高的压缩率可录制超过分辨率高达2560×1600高画质视频(1080p全高清视频),录制的同时还可以添加个性化 LOGO到视频中,Bandicam支持bmp、png 、jpeg等格式截图。
2016.11.29 v3.3.0
Bandicam is now able to record Vulkan games/programs (Dota 2, Doom, etc.)
Improved the DirectX 11 hooking compatibility.
Improved the DirectX 9 hooking compatibility (PlanetSide 2).
Improved the MJPG format compatibility with the ‘Device Recording Mode’.
Improved AMD APP H.264 codec recognition of AMD Radeon R series.
Bandicam now supports 60FPS for webcam recording (Logitech C922 Pro).
Bandicam now prevents the computer from sleeping while the preview window of the ‘Device Recording Mode’ is full screen.
Bandicam now hides the mouse cursor if the preview window of the ‘Device Recording Mode’ is full screen.
Bugs fixed
Frames were skipped if a user set a high bitrate on AMD APP H.264 encoder.
Bandicam stopped working when a frame was not updated in ‘Screen Recording Mode’ under certain conditions.
The Keyframe interval function of NVIDIA® NVENC/HEVC encoder didn’t work properly.
Some registry entries remained after uninstallation.
by KloneB@DGuY
• 此绿色便携版,无需注册码,无需屏蔽联网验证,启动即为已授权特别版!
注:因注册机很久未更新,如启动碰到提示应用程序无效,需重新安装咋办?只需在hosts文件里加上0.0.0.0 cert.bandicam.com 还可屏蔽自动更新!(不管您使用的官方版或便携版,如碰到了这问题就加上这句吧 )
Bandicam v3.3.0.1175 / v2.4.2.905 绿色便携特别版
Bandicam 最新官方试用安装包 + 通用破解解密注册机
注:官方版本从 v2.4 以后不再支持WindowsXP系统!
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1miMYMGo#t9qc 访问码t9qc
Bandicam 官方免费版,录制限制十分钟,保存视频有水印