(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/18 浏览:2)
Element.prototype.on = Element.prototype.addEventListener; NodeList.prototype.on = function (event, fn) {、 []['forEach'].call(this, function (el) { el.on(event, fn); }); return this; };
Element.prototype.trigger = function(type, data) { var event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); event.initEvent(type, true, true); event.data = data || {}; event.eventName = type; event.target = this; this.dispatchEvent(event); return this; }; NodeList.prototype.trigger = function(event) { []["forEach"].call(this, function(el) { el["trigger"](event); }); return this; };
function HtmlEncode(text) { return text .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/\"/g, '"') .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">"); }
// HTML 标签转义 // @param {Array.<DOMString>} templateData 字符串类型的tokens // @param {...} ..vals 表达式占位符的运算结果tokens // function SaferHTML(templateData) { var s = templateData[0]; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var arg = String(arguments[i]); // Escape special characters in the substitution. s += arg .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">"); // Don't escape special characters in the template. s += templateData[i]; } return s; } // 调用 var html = SaferHTML`<p>这是关于字符串模板的介绍</p>`;
function addEventSamp(obj, evt, fn) { if (!oTarget) { return; } if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evt, fn, false); } else if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent("on" + evt, fn); } else { oTarget["on" + sEvtType] = fn; } }
function addFavorite(sURL, sTitle) { try { window.external.addFavorite(sURL, sTitle); } catch (e) { try { window.sidebar.addPanel(sTitle, sURL, ""); } catch (e) { alert("加入收藏失败,请使用Ctrl+D进行添加"); } } }
var aa = document.documentElement.outerHTML .match( /(url\(|src=|href=)[\"\']*([^\"\'\(\)\<\>\[\] ]+)[\"\'\)]*|(http:\/\/[\w\-\.]+[^\"\'\(\)\<\>\[\] ]+)/gi ) .join("\r\n") .replace(/^(src=|href=|url\()[\"\']*|[\"\'\>\) ]*$/gim, ""); alert(aa);
function appendscript(src, text, reload, charset) { var id = hash(src + text); if (!reload && in_array(id, evalscripts)) return; if (reload && $(id)) { $(id).parentNode.removeChild($(id)); } evalscripts.push(id); var scriptNode = document.createElement("script"); scriptNode.type = "text/javascript"; scriptNode.id = id; scriptNode.charset = charset "loaded" || scriptNode.readyState == "complete") && !scriptNode.onloadDone ) { scriptNode.onloadDone = true; JSLOADED[src] = 1; } }; } else if (text) { scriptNode.text = text; } document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(scriptNode); } catch (e) {} }
function backTop(btnId) { var btn = document.getElementById(btnId); var d = document.documentElement; var b = document.body; window.onscroll = set; btn.style.display = "none"; btn.onclick = function() { btn.style.display = "none"; window.onscroll = null; this.timer = setInterval(function() { d.scrollTop -= Math.ceil((d.scrollTop + b.scrollTop) * 0.1); b.scrollTop -= Math.ceil((d.scrollTop + b.scrollTop) * 0.1); if (d.scrollTop + b.scrollTop == 0) clearInterval(btn.timer, (window.onscroll = set)); }, 10); }; function set() { btn.style.display = d.scrollTop + b.scrollTop > 100 "block" : "none"; } } backTop("goTop");
function base64_decode(data) { var b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; var o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, ac = 0, dec = "", tmp_arr = []; if (!data) { return data; } data += ""; do { h1 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); h2 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); h3 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); h4 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++)); bits = (h1 << 18) | (h2 << 12) | (h3 << 6) | h4; o1 = (bits 16) & 0xff; o2 = (bits 8) & 0xff; o3 = bits & 0xff; if (h3 == 64) { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1); } else if (h4 == 64) { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2); } else { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3); } } while (i < data.length); dec = tmp_arr.join(""); dec = utf8_decode(dec); return dec; }
function checkKey(iKey) { if (iKey == 32 || iKey == 229) { return true; } /*空格和异常*/ if (iKey > 47 && iKey < 58) { return true; } /*数字*/ if (iKey > 64 && iKey < 91) { return true; } /*字母*/ if (iKey > 95 && iKey < 108) { return true; } /*数字键盘1*/ if (iKey > 108 && iKey < 112) { return true; } /*数字键盘2*/ if (iKey > 185 && iKey < 193) { return true; } /*符号1*/ if (iKey > 218 && iKey < 223) { return true; } /*符号2*/ return false; }
//iCase: 0全到半,1半到全,其他不转化 function chgCase(sStr, iCase) { if ( typeof sStr != "string" || sStr.length <= 0 || !(iCase === 0 || iCase == 1) ) { return sStr; } var i, oRs = [], iCode; if (iCase) { /*半->全*/ for (i = 0; i < sStr.length; i += 1) { iCode = sStr.charCodeAt(i); if (iCode == 32) { iCode = 12288; } else if (iCode < 127) { iCode += 65248; } oRs.push(String.fromCharCode(iCode)); } } else { /*全->半*/ for (i = 0; i < sStr.length; i += 1) { iCode = sStr.charCodeAt(i); if (iCode == 12288) { iCode = 32; } else if (iCode > 65280 && iCode < 65375) { iCode -= 65248; } oRs.push(String.fromCharCode(iCode)); } } return oRs.join(""); }
function compareVersion(v1, v2) { v1 = v1.split("."); v2 = v2.split("."); var len = Math.max(v1.length, v2.length); while (v1.length < len) { v1.push("0"); } while (v2.length < len) { v2.push("0"); } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var num1 = parseInt(v1[i]); var num2 = parseInt(v2[i]); if (num1 > num2) { return 1; } else if (num1 < num2) { return -1; } } return 0; }
function compressCss(s) { //压缩代码 s = s.replace(/\/\*(.|\n)*""); //删除注释 s = s.replace(/\s*([\{\}\:\;\,])\s*/g, "$1"); s = s.replace(/\,[\s\.\#\d]*\{/g, "{"); //容错处理 s = s.replace(/;\s*;/g, ";"); //清除连续分号 s = s.match(/^\s*(\S+(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/); //去掉首尾空白 return s == null "" : s[1]; }
var currentPageUrl = ""; if (typeof this.href === "undefined") { currentPageUrl = document.location.toString().toLowerCase(); } else { currentPageUrl = this.href.toString().toLowerCase(); }
function cutstr(str, len) { var temp, icount = 0, patrn = /[^\x00-\xff]/, strre = ""; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (icount < len - 1) { temp = str.substr(i, 1); if (patrn.exec(temp) == null) { icount = icount + 1 } else { icount = icount + 2 } strre += temp } else { break; } } return strre + "..." }
Date.prototype.format = function(formatStr) { var str = formatStr; var Week = ["日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"]; str = str.replace(/yyyy|YYYY/, this.getFullYear()); str = str.replace( /yy|YY/, this.getYear() % 100 > 9 "0" + (this.getYear() % 100) ); str = str.replace( /MM/, this.getMonth() + 1 > 9 "0" + (this.getMonth() + 1) ); str = str.replace(/M/g, this.getMonth() + 1); str = str.replace(/w|W/g, Week[this.getDay()]); str = str.replace( /dd|DD/, this.getDate() > 9 "0" + this.getDate() ); str = str.replace(/d|D/g, this.getDate()); str = str.replace( /hh|HH/, this.getHours() > 9 "0" + this.getHours() ); str = str.replace(/h|H/g, this.getHours()); str = str.replace( /mm/, this.getMinutes() > 9 "0" + this.getMinutes() ); str = str.replace(/m/g, this.getMinutes()); str = str.replace( /ss|SS/, this.getSeconds() > 9 "0" + this.getSeconds() ); str = str.replace(/s|S/g, this.getSeconds()); return str; }; // 或 Date.prototype.format = function(format) { var o = { "M+": this.getMonth() + 1, //month "d+": this.getDate(), //day "h+": this.getHours(), //hour "m+": this.getMinutes(), //minute "s+": this.getSeconds(), //second "q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //quarter S: this.getMilliseconds() //millisecond }; if (/(y+)/.test(format)) format = format.replace( RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length) ); for (var k in o) { if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(format)) format = format.replace( RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length == 1 "00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length) ); } return format; }; alert(new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));
function delEvt(obj, evt, fn) { if (!obj) { return; } if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evt, fn, false); } else if (oTarget.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent("on" + evt, fn); } else { obj["on" + evt] = fn; } }
String.prototype.endWith = function(s) { var d = this.length - s.length; return d >= 0 && this.lastIndexOf(s) == d; };
function evalscript(s) { if (s.indexOf("<script") == -1) return s; var p = /<script[^\>]*"([^\>]*"[^\>]*"1\")"([\w\-]+")"", arr1[2], arr1[3]); } else { p1 = /<script(.*"", arr1[2], arr1[1].indexOf("reload=") != -1); } } return s; }
function formatCss(s) { //格式化代码 s = s.replace(/\s*([\{\}\:\;\,])\s*/g, "$1"); s = s.replace(/;\s*;/g, ";"); //清除连续分号 s = s.replace(/\,[\s\.\#\d]*{/g, "{"); s = s.replace(/([^\s])\{([^\s])/g, "$1 {\n\t$2"); s = s.replace(/([^\s])\}([^\n]*)/g, "$1\n}\n$2"); s = s.replace(/([^\s]);([^\s\}])/g, "$1;\n\t$2"); return s; }
function getCookie(name) { var arr = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )" + name + "=([^;]*)(;|$)")); if (arr != null) return unescape(arr[2]); return null; }
// 用法:如果地址是 test.htm"t1"], GET["t2"], GET["t3"] function getGet() { querystr = window.location.href.split(""); if (querystr[1]) { GETs = querystr[1].split("&"); GET = []; for (i = 0; i < GETs.length; i++) { tmp_arr = GETs.split("="); key = tmp_arr[0]; GET[key] = tmp_arr[1]; } } return querystr[1]; }
function getInitZoom() { if (!this._initZoom) { var screenWidth = Math.min(screen.height, screen.width); if (this.isAndroidMobileDevice() && !this.isNewChromeOnAndroid()) { screenWidth = screenWidth / window.devicePixelRatio; } this._initZoom = screenWidth / document.body.offsetWidth; } return this._initZoom; }
function getPageHeight() { var g = document, a = g.body, f = g.documentElement, d = g.compatMode == "BackCompat" "htmlcode">function getPageScrollLeft() { var a = document; return a.documentElement.scrollLeft || a.body.scrollLeft; }获取页面scrollTop
function getPageScrollTop() { var a = document; return a.documentElement.scrollTop || a.body.scrollTop; }获取页面可视高度
function getPageViewHeight() { var d = document, a = d.compatMode == "BackCompat" "htmlcode">function getPageViewWidth() { var d = document, a = d.compatMode == "BackCompat" "htmlcode">function getPageWidth() { var g = document, a = g.body, f = g.documentElement, d = g.compatMode == "BackCompat" "htmlcode">function getScreenWidth() { var smallerSide = Math.min(screen.width, screen.height); var fixViewPortsExperiment = rendererModel.runningExperiments.FixViewport || rendererModel.runningExperiments.fixviewport; var fixViewPortsExperimentRunning = fixViewPortsExperiment && fixViewPortsExperiment.toLowerCase() === "new"; if (fixViewPortsExperiment) { if (this.isAndroidMobileDevice() && !this.isNewChromeOnAndroid()) { smallerSide = smallerSide / window.devicePixelRatio; } } return smallerSide; }获取网页被卷去的位置
function getScrollXY() { return document.body.scrollTop "htmlcode">// 获取URL中的某参数值,不区分大小写 // 获取URL中的某参数值,不区分大小写, // 默认是取'hash'里的参数, // 如果传其他参数支持取‘search'中的参数 // @param {String} name 参数名称 export function getUrlParam(name, type = "hash") { let newName = name, reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + newName + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"), paramHash = window.location.hash.split("")[1] || "", paramSearch = window.location.search.split("")[1] || "", param; type === "hash" "/")[0]; } return null; }检验URL链接是否有效
function getUrlState(URL) { var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.xmlhttp"); xmlhttp.Open("GET", URL, false); try { xmlhttp.Send(); } catch (e) { } finally { var result = xmlhttp.responseText; if (result) { if (xmlhttp.Status == 200) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } }获取窗体可见范围的宽与高
function getViewSize() { var de = document.documentElement; var db = document.body; var viewW = de.clientWidth == 0 "htmlcode">function getZoom() { var screenWidth = Math.abs(window.orientation) === 90 "New" || FixViewPortsExperiment === "new"); if (FixViewPortsExperimentRunning) { return screenWidth / window.innerWidth; } else { return screenWidth / document.body.offsetWidth; } }判断是否安卓移动设备访问
function isAndroidMobileDevice() { return /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); }判断是否苹果移动设备访问
function isAppleMobileDevice() { return /iphone|ipod|ipad|Macintosh/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); }判断是否为数字类型
function isDigit(value) { var patrn = /^[0-9]*$/; if (patrn.exec(value) == null || value == "") { return false; } else { return true; } }是否是某类手机型号
// 用devicePixelRatio和分辨率判断 const isIphonex = () => { // X XS, XS Max, XR const xSeriesConfig = [ { devicePixelRatio: 3, width: 375, height: 812 }, { devicePixelRatio: 3, width: 414, height: 896 }, { devicePixelRatio: 2, width: 414, height: 896 } ]; // h5 if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window) { const isIOS = /iphone/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent); if (!isIOS) return false; const { devicePixelRatio, screen } = window; const { width, height } = screen; return xSeriesConfig.some( item => item.devicePixelRatio === devicePixelRatio && item.width === width && item.height === height ); } return false; };判断是否移动设备
function isMobile() { if (typeof this._isMobile === "boolean") { return this._isMobile; } var screenWidth = this.getScreenWidth(); var fixViewPortsExperiment = rendererModel.runningExperiments.FixViewport || rendererModel.runningExperiments.fixviewport; var fixViewPortsExperimentRunning = fixViewPortsExperiment && fixViewPortsExperiment.toLowerCase() === "new"; if (!fixViewPortsExperiment) { if (!this.isAppleMobileDevice()) { screenWidth = screenWidth / window.devicePixelRatio; } } var isMobileScreenSize = screenWidth < 600; var isMobileUserAgent = false; this._isMobile = isMobileScreenSize && this.isTouchScreen(); return this._isMobile; }判断吗是否手机号码
function isMobileNumber(e) { var i = "134,135,136,137,138,139,150,151,152,157,158,159,187,188,147,182,183,184,178", n = "130,131,132,155,156,185,186,145,176", a = "133,153,180,181,189,177,173,170", o = e || "", r = o.substring(0, 3), d = o.substring(0, 4), s = !!/^1\d{10}$/.test(o) && (n.indexOf(r) >= 0 "联通" : a.indexOf(r) >= 0 "电信" : "1349" == d "电信" : i.indexOf(r) >= 0 "移动" : "未知"); return s; }判断是否是移动设备访问
function isMobileUserAgent() { return /iphone|ipod|android.*mobile|windows.*phone|blackberry.*mobile/i.test( window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ); }判断鼠标是否移出事件
function isMouseOut(e, handler) { if (e.type !== "mouseout") { return false; } var reltg = e.relatedTarget "mouseout" "htmlcode">function isTouchScreen() { return ( "ontouchstart" in window || (window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) ); }判断是否为网址
function isURL(strUrl) { var regular = /^\b(((https"htmlcode">function isViewportOpen() { return !!document.getElementById("wixMobileViewport"); }加载样式文件
function loadStyle(url) { try { document.createStyleSheet(url); } catch (e) { var cssLink = document.createElement("link"); cssLink.rel = "stylesheet"; cssLink.type = "text/css"; cssLink.href = url; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; head.appendChild(cssLink); } }替换地址栏
function locationReplace(url) { if (history.replaceState) { history.replaceState(null, document.title, url); history.go(0); } else { location.replace(url); } }解决offsetX兼容性问题
// 针对火狐不支持offsetX/Y function getOffset(e) { var target = e.target, // 当前触发的目标对象 eventCoord, pageCoord, offsetCoord; // 计算当前触发元素到文档的距离 pageCoord = getPageCoord(target); // 计算光标到文档的距离 eventCoord = { X: window.pageXOffset + e.clientX, Y: window.pageYOffset + e.clientY }; // 相减获取光标到第一个定位的父元素的坐标 offsetCoord = { X: eventCoord.X - pageCoord.X, Y: eventCoord.Y - pageCoord.Y }; return offsetCoord; } function getPageCoord(element) { var coord = { X: 0, Y: 0 }; // 计算从当前触发元素到根节点为止, // 各级 offsetParent 元素的 offsetLeft 或 offsetTop 值之和 while (element) { coord.X += element.offsetLeft; coord.Y += element.offsetTop; element = element.offsetParent; } return coord; }打开一个窗体通用方法
function openWindow(url, windowName, width, height) { var x = parseInt(screen.width / 2.0) - width / 2.0; var y = parseInt(screen.height / 2.0) - height / 2.0; var isMSIE = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"; if (isMSIE) { var p = "resizable=1,location=no,scrollbars=no,width="; p = p + width; p = p + ",height="; p = p + height; p = p + ",left="; p = p + x; p = p + ",top="; p = p + y; retval = window.open(url, windowName, p); } else { var win = window.open( url, "ZyiisPopup", "top=" + y + ",left=" + x + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",dialog=yes,modal=yes,width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",resizable=no" ); eval("try { win.resizeTo(width, height); } catch(e) { }"); win.focus(); } }将键值对拼接成URL带参数
export default const fnParams2Url = obj=> { let aUrl = [] let fnAdd = function(key, value) { return key + '=' + value } for (var k in obj) { aUrl.push(fnAdd(k, obj[k])) } return encodeURIComponent(aUrl.join('&')) }去掉url前缀
function removeUrlPrefix(a) { a = a .replace(/:/g, ":") .replace(/./g, ".") .replace(///g, "/"); while ( trim(a) .toLowerCase() .indexOf("http://") == 0 ) { a = trim(a.replace(/http:\/\//i, "")); } return a; }替换全部
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(s1, s2) { return this.replace(new RegExp(s1, "gm"), s2); };resize的操作
(function() { var fn = function() { var w = document.documentElement "resize", function() { fn(); }); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onresize", function() { fn(); }); } fn(); })();滚动到顶部
// 使用document.documentElement.scrollTop 或 document.body.scrollTop 获取到顶部的距离,从顶部 // 滚动一小部分距离。使用window.requestAnimationFrame()来滚动。 // @example // scrollToTop(); function scrollToTop() { var c = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; if (c > 0) { window.requestAnimationFrame(scrollToTop); window.scrollTo(0, c - c / 8); } }设置cookie值
function setCookie(name, value, Hours) { var d = new Date(); var offset = 8; var utc = d.getTime() + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; var nd = utc + 3600000 * offset; var exp = new Date(nd); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + Hours * 60 * 60 * 1000); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ";path=/;expires=" + exp.toGMTString() + ";domain=360doc.com;"; }设为首页
function setHomepage() { if (document.all) { document.body.style.behavior = "url(#default#homepage)"; document.body.setHomePage("http://w3cboy.com"); } else if (window.sidebar) { if (window.netscape) { try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege( "UniversalXPConnect" ); } catch (e) { alert( "该操作被浏览器拒绝,如果想启用该功能,请在地址栏内输入 about:config,然后将项 signed.applets.codebase_principal_support 值该为true" ); } } var prefs = Components.classes[ "@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1" ].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); prefs.setCharPref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://w3cboy.com"); } }按字母排序,对每行进行数组排序
function setSort() { var text = K1.value .split(/[\r\n]/) .sort() .join("\r\n"); //顺序 var test = K1.value .split(/[\r\n]/) .sort() .reverse() .join("\r\n"); //反序 K1.value = K1.value != text "htmlcode">// 比如 sleep(1000) 意味着等待1000毫秒,还可从 Promise、Generator、Async/Await 等角度实现。 // Promise const sleep = time => { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time)); }; sleep(1000).then(() => { console.log(1); }); // Generator function* sleepGenerator(time) { yield new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(resolve, time); }); } sleepGenerator(1000) .next() .value.then(() => { console.log(1); }); //async function sleep(time) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time)); } async function output() { let out = await sleep(1000); console.log(1); return out; } output(); function sleep(callback, time) { if (typeof callback === "function") { setTimeout(callback, time); } } function output() { console.log(1); } sleep(output, 1000);判断是否以某个字符串开头
String.prototype.startWith = function(s) { return this.indexOf(s) == 0; };清除脚本内容
function stripscript(s) { return s.replace(/<script.*""); }时间个性化输出功能
/* 1、< 60s, 显示为“刚刚” 2、>= 1min && < 60 min, 显示与当前时间差“XX分钟前” 3、>= 60min && < 1day, 显示与当前时间差“今天 XX:XX” 4、>= 1day && < 1year, 显示日期“XX月XX日 XX:XX” 5、>= 1year, 显示具体日期“XXXX年XX月XX日 XX:XX” */ function timeFormat(time) { var date = new Date(time), curDate = new Date(), year = date.getFullYear(), month = date.getMonth() + 10, day = date.getDate(), hour = date.getHours(), minute = date.getMinutes(), curYear = curDate.getFullYear(), curHour = curDate.getHours(), timeStr; if (year < curYear) { timeStr = year + "年" + month + "月" + day + "日 " + hour + ":" + minute; } else { var pastTime = curDate - date, pastH = pastTime / 3600000; if (pastH > curHour) { timeStr = month + "月" + day + "日 " + hour + ":" + minute; } else if (pastH >= 1) { timeStr = "今天 " + hour + ":" + minute + "分"; } else { var pastM = curDate.getMinutes() - minute; if (pastM > 1) { timeStr = pastM + "分钟前"; } else { timeStr = "刚刚"; } } } return timeStr; }全角转换为半角函数
function toCDB(str) { var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { code = str.charCodeAt(i); if (code >= 65281 && code <= 65374) { result += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) - 65248); } else if (code == 12288) { result += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) - 12288 + 32); } else { result += str.charAt(i); } } return result; }半角转换为全角函数
function toDBC(str) { var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { code = str.charCodeAt(i); if (code >= 33 && code <= 126) { result += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) + 65248); } else if (code == 32) { result += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) + 12288 - 32); } else { result += str.charAt(i); } } return result; }金额大写转换函数
function transform(tranvalue) { try { var i = 1; var dw2 = new Array("", "万", "亿"); //大单位 var dw1 = new Array("拾", "佰", "仟"); //小单位 var dw = new Array( "零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖" ); //整数部分用 //以下是小写转换成大写显示在合计大写的文本框中 //分离整数与小数 var source = splits(tranvalue); var num = source[0]; var dig = source[1]; //转换整数部分 var k1 = 0; //计小单位 var k2 = 0; //计大单位 var sum = 0; var str = ""; var len = source[0].length; //整数的长度 for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) { var n = source[0].charAt(len - i); //取得某个位数上的数字 var bn = 0; if (len - i - 1 >= 0) { bn = source[0].charAt(len - i - 1); //取得某个位数前一位上的数字 } sum = sum + Number(n); if (sum != 0) { str = dw[Number(n)].concat(str); //取得该数字对应的大写数字,并插入到str字符串的前面 if (n == "0") sum = 0; } if (len - i - 1 >= 0) { //在数字范围内 if (k1 != 3) { //加小单位 if (bn != 0) { str = dw1[k1].concat(str); } k1++; } else { //不加小单位,加大单位 k1 = 0; var temp = str.charAt(0); if (temp == "万" || temp == "亿") //若大单位前没有数字则舍去大单位 str = str.substr(1, str.length - 1); str = dw2[k2].concat(str); sum = 0; } } if (k1 == 3) { //小单位到千则大单位进一 k2++; } } //转换小数部分 var strdig = ""; if (dig != "") { var n = dig.charAt(0); if (n != 0) { strdig += dw[Number(n)] + "角"; //加数字 } var n = dig.charAt(1); if (n != 0) { strdig += dw[Number(n)] + "分"; //加数字 } } str += "元" + strdig; } catch (e) { return "0元"; } return str; } //拆分整数与小数 function splits(tranvalue) { var value = new Array("", ""); temp = tranvalue.split("."); for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { value = temp; } return value; }清除空格
String.prototype.trim = function() { var reExtraSpace = /^\s*(.*"$1"); }; // 清除左空格 function ltrim(s) { return s.replace(/^(\s*| *)/, ""); } // 清除右空格 function rtrim(s) { return s.replace(/(\s*| *)$/, ""); }随机数时间戳
function uniqueId() { var a = Math.random, b = parseInt; return ( Number(new Date()).toString() + b(10 * a()) + b(10 * a()) + b(10 * a()) ); }实现utf8解码
function utf8_decode(str_data) { var tmp_arr = [], i = 0, ac = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0; str_data += ""; while (i < str_data.length) { c1 = str_data.charCodeAt(i); if (c1 < 128) { tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(c1); i++; } else if (c1 > 191 && c1 < 224) { c2 = str_data.charCodeAt(i + 1); tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(((c1 & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = str_data.charCodeAt(i + 1); c3 = str_data.charCodeAt(i + 2); tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode( ((c1 & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63) ); i += 3; } } return tmp_arr.join(""); }以下是Puxiao投稿推荐的几个函数,用作常见的输入值校验和替换操作,主要针对中国大陆地区的校验规则:
- 若参数floats有值,则校验该数字小数点后的位数。
- 若参数floats没有值,则仅仅校验是否为数字。
function isNum(value,floats=null){ let regexp = new RegExp(`^[1-9][0-9]*.[0-9]{${floats}}$|^0.[0-9]{${floats}}$`); return typeof value === 'number' && floats"htmlcode">function anysicIntLength(minLength,maxLength){ let result_str = ''; if(minLength){ switch(maxLength){ case undefined: result_str = result_str.concat(`{${minLength-1}}`); break; case null: result_str = result_str.concat(`{${minLength-1},}`); break; default: result_str = result_str.concat(`{${minLength-1},${maxLength-1}}`); } }else{ result_str = result_str.concat('*'); } return result_str; }校验是否为非零的正整数
function isInt(value,minLength=null,maxLength=undefined){ if(!isNum(value)) return false; let regexp = new RegExp(`^-"htmlcode">function isPInt(value,minLength=null,maxLength=undefined) { if(!isNum(value)) return false; let regexp = new RegExp(`^[1-9][0-9]${anysicIntLength(minLength,maxLength)}$`); return regexp.test(value.toString()); }校验是否为非零的负整数
function isNInt(value,minLength=null,maxLength=undefined){ if(!isNum(value)) return false; let regexp = new RegExp(`^-[1-9][0-9]${anysicIntLength(minLength,maxLength)}$`); return regexp.test(value.toString()); }校验整数是否在取值范围内
- minInt为在取值范围中最小的整数
- maxInt为在取值范围中最大的整数
function checkIntRange(value,minInt,maxInt=9007199254740991){ return Boolean(isInt(value) && (Boolean(minInt!=undefined && minInt!=null)"htmlcode">function isTel(value) { return /^1[3,4,5,6,7,8,9][0-9]{9}$/.test(value.toString()); }校验是否为中国大陆传真或固定电话号码
function isFax(str) { return /^([0-9]{3,4})"htmlcode">function isEmail(str) { return /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+$/.test(str); }校验是否为QQ号码
- 非0开头的5位-13位整数
function isQQ(value) { return /^[1-9][0-9]{4,12}$/.test(value.toString()); }校验是否为网址
- 以https://、http://、ftp://、rtsp://、mms://开头、或者没有这些开头
- 可以没有www开头(或其他二级域名),仅域名
- 网页地址中允许出现/%*"htmlcode">
function isURL(str) { return /^(https:\/\/|http:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|rtsp:\/\/|mms:\/\/)"\"])*$/.test(str); }校验是否为不含端口号的IP地址
- IP格式为xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,每一项数字取值范围为0-255
- 除0以外其他数字不能以0开头,比如02
function isIP(str) { return /^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]"htmlcode">function isIPv6(str){ return Boolean(str.match(/:/g)"htmlcode">function isIDCard(str){ return /^[1-9][0-9]{5}(18|19|(2[0-9]))[0-9]{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)[0-9]{3}[0-9Xx]$/.test(str); }校验是否为中国大陆邮政编码
- 共6位,且不能以0开头
function isPostCode(value){ return /^[1-9][0-9]{5}$/.test(value.toString()); }校验两个参数是否完全相同,包括类型
- 值相同,数据类型也相同
function same(firstValue,secondValue){ return firstValue===secondValue; }校验字符的长度是否在规定的范围内
- minInt为在取值范围中最小的长度
- maxInt为在取值范围中最大的长度
function lengthRange(str,minLength,maxLength=9007199254740991) { return Boolean(str.length >= minLength && str.length <= maxLength); }校验字符是否以字母开头
- 必须以字母开头
- 开头的字母不区分大小写
function letterBegin(str){ return /^[A-z]/.test(str); }校验字符是否为纯数字(整数)
- 字符全部为正整数(包含0)
- 可以以0开头
function pureNum(str) { return /^[0-9]*$/.test(str); }function anysicPunctuation(str){ if(!str) return null; let arr = str.split('').map(item => { return item = '\\' + item; }); return arr.join('|'); }function getPunctuation(str){ return anysicPunctuation(str) || '\\~|\\`|\\!|\\@|\\#|\\$|\\%|\\^|\\&|\\*|\\(|\\)|\\-|\\_|\\+|\\=|\\||\\\|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\;|\\:|\\"|\\\'|\\,|\\<|\\.|\\>|\\/|\\"htmlcode">function getExcludePunctuation(str){ let regexp = new RegExp(`[${anysicPunctuation(str)}]`,'g'); return getPunctuation(' ~`!@#$%^&*()-_+=\[]{};:"\',<.>/"-_"即可- 若不传值或默认为null,则内部默认标点符号集为除空格外的其他英文标点符号:~`!@#$%^&*()-_+=[]{};:"',<.>/"htmlcode">
function getLIPTypes(str,punctuation=null){ let p_regexp = new RegExp('['+getPunctuation(punctuation)+']'); return /[A-z]/.test(str) + /[0-9]/.test(str) + p_regexp.test(str); }校验字符串构成的种类数量是否大于或等于参数num的值。 通常用来校验用户设置的密码复杂程度。
- 参数num为需要构成的种类(字母、数字、标点符号),该值只能是1-3。
- 默认参数num的值为1,即表示:至少包含字母,数字,标点符号中的1种
- 若参数num的值为2,即表示:至少包含字母,数字,标点符号中的2种
- 若参数num的值为3,即表示:必须同时包含字母,数字,标点符号
- 参数punctuation指可接受的标点符号集,具体设定可参考getLIPTypes()方法中关于标点符号集的解释。
function pureLIP(str,num=1,punctuation=null){ let regexp = new RegExp(`[^A-z0-9|${getPunctuation(punctuation)}]`); return Boolean(!regexp.test(str) && getLIPTypes(str,punctuation)>= num); }清除所有空格
function clearSpaces(str){ return str.replace(/[ ]/g,''); }清除所有中文字符(包括中文标点符号)
function clearCNChars(str){ return str.replace(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/g,''); }清除所有中文字符及空格
function clearCNCharsAndSpaces(str){ return str.replace(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5 ]/g,''); }除保留标点符号集以外,清除其他所有英文的标点符号(含空格)
全部英文标点符号为: ~`!@#$%^&*()-_+=[]{};:"',<.>/"htmlcode">
function clearPunctuation(str,excludePunctuation=null){ let regexp = new RegExp(`[${getExcludePunctuation(excludePunctuation)}]`,'g'); return str.replace(regexp,''); }校验是否包含空格
function haveSpace(str) { return /[ ]/.test(str); }校验是否包含中文字符(包括中文标点符号)
function haveCNChars(str){ return /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/.test(str); }感兴趣的朋友可以使用在线HTML/CSS/JavaScript代码运行工具:http://tools.jb51.net/code/HtmlJsRun测试上述代码运行效果。