NET IIS暴绝对路径漏洞
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/2/23 浏览:2)
Title:Microsoft ASP.NET May Disclose Web Directory to Remote Users in Certain Cases
Description: If the ASP.NET application does not filter the error message, the web
directory information may be disclosed to remote users by using an unavailable file
which start with "~".
Hi, I'm Soroush Dalili from GrayHatz Security Group(GSG).I found new thing in .NET
Framework Version:1.1 (.ASPX Files).
If error mode in .net configuration is on, Run an unavailable aspx file that start with
"~" can cause showing full path in browsers.
For Example: Http://[URL]/~foo.aspx
Note:Version 2 have not this bug and it return file does not exist
Vendor URL:
Soloution: Update to version 2 or enable error filtering
Finder: Soroush Dalili
Team: GSG [GrayHatz Security group]
Country: Iran
Email: Irsdl[a.t]yahoo[d.o.t]com
搜索引擎 inurl:aspx,然后随便点个连接,在url后输入~fly_ocean.aspx,即可暴出绝对路径。
版本信息: Microsoft .NET Framework 版本:1.1.4322.2300; ASP.NET 版本:1.1.4322.2300
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